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Our missions are: (1)increasing business leadership and strategic competencies (2) proficiency achievement in business language (English) We have coached, tutored and trained individuals and business professionals whose mother tongue is either non-English or English. These include multinational executives, employees and their family members; from many countries like Vietnam, China, Japan, India, S. Korea, the Philippines, France, Germany, Spain, Malaysia, Mexico, Taiwan, USA, Canada, and many others who benefited from our expertise.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Advanced Business English that Results to Leadership Competencies

"The power of innovative thinking, critical reasoning, communicating affectively and learning new insights enable us to connect with others throughout our lives. The skills are intangible to many but these are the competencies that will make us adequately communicative as human beings."

Our Researches show that there is a growing deficiency in the area of Advanced Business English Competency among individuals who are leading teams, communicating extensively to external parties outside a given organization, cannot explain or sustain effective communicative proficiency when speaking with an audience, notwithstanding that a bigger population of Expats deployed in many English speaking countries cannot demonstrate adequate competencies in Business English as a business language.  58 percent up to 71 percent range of internationally deployed workforce have acknowledged their handicap is on Business English Skills in Advanced Level to support the demand and communication requirements of their jobs. 

Innovative Goals:
Among the workforce of multi-national organizations from other countries, who migrated to the United States and other English-speaking countries needed extra efforts in exploiting their inabilities of articulating their ideas with their co-workers. To increase the needed level of proficiency, one must register in Advanced Business English Class, Coaching or Workshop that will enable usable techniques and skills of being a leader at a given work setting.

Limitations Prohibit Career Advancement:
While there is an enormous desire to increase one's competencies in Advanced Business English after arrival at their new environment. Majority have failed in making strategic decisions to learn effectively. Instead, they enrolled in traditional ESL Classrooms and centers that provided those Generic ESL Lessons and did not develop their business technical English competencies.

Reasons Why ESL Lessons are Incorrect:
ESL Class does not provide the development of Advanced Business English Competencies
Many ESL Teachers were not trained to teach or coach Advanced Business English Curriculum for Leadership Candidates within the business environments
Many ESL Teachers did not have actual business experiences working in various industries and corporate settings that require business acumen integrating technologies and language
Advanced Business English is a linguistic specialty that is only acquired through the help of experienced Adult Coach who has been immersed to various industries and cultural settings
The competencies acquired through the specialized curricula or workshops can be used immediately at learner's environment because the sessions were created based on their “Summary of Identified DifficultiesSM
The Coach in Advanced Business English demonstrates multi-linguistic competencies that are relevant to business focus; leverages success at targeted specific business sector of the learner

Program Brief Summary:
The Advanced Business English for Effective Communication Program is designed to increase the proficiency and competency of any individual who aspire to demonstrate leadership and communication competencies by learning many essential factors that create effectiveness within the business community in an advanced level. It provides relevant, action oriented, results driven, learning experiences that are applicable in any business setting, relationships and transactions. Session-based Modular Lessons are created based on “Summary of Identified DifficultiesSM from individuals pursuing a career advancement.

Our experienced Coaches / Trainers / Tutors will use techniques that overcome the identified difficulties of the Learner. These various learning approaches will validate results through interactive, effective, easy-to-experience and realistic impact to identified difficulties. Activities will change progressively in order to support the in-progress level of proficiency which results to demonstrable skills and effectiveness.

Overview of Scope:  
Understanding which mechanisms illustrate effective speech in speaking
Business Language Structures that demonstrate results
Techniques in communicating that articulate results at work
Engaging effective conversations with critical and persuasive thinking
Modifying enunciations that are relevant to listeners and specific audience
Sensible speaking that are driven with meaningful ideas

(Note: Specific sessions are customized to the identified level of difficulties)


Twelve Modular Sessions of two hours each

Intensive Program Participation

Continuing Progress Proficiency Evaluation
Competency Demonstration + COC

Benefits from completing this program:
Learner will achieve the following;
An Advanced Proficiency Level in Effective Business English and Communication
Handy techniques in speaking affectively as a Leader
Better communication skills that articulate ideas toward any audience

For more details and inquiries please call +1 (650) 241-3207. Please note that Classes of Ideas N Conversations are being held in 7 Bay Area locations; Campbell, Cupertino, Milpitas, Palo Alto, San Jose, San Mateo and Sunnyvale. It is a matter of choosing the closest to your location.

For email inquiries please include the following in order not to be considered as a 'spam':
(1) Name (2) email address (3) occupation (4) location zip code (5) interest to pursue)http://ideasnconversations.blogspot.com/2012/02/advanced-business-english-for-effective.html

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