The Year 2012 is about to conclude. What assessments do you have about your proficiency and competencies this year? Have you made a list of your
Challenges and Difficulties at work or at a personal level?
In order to make necessary adjustments to any of your acknowledged deficiency, consider any of the Session Workshops for the Year 2013 from Ideas N Conversations. Speak with their Specialist Trainer to fully determine your difficulties and how to improve them dramatically for better success in the future.
Our Programs are now accepting Registrants.
Register Now at the location that is closest to you ~
Classes will begin in January 2013. For maximum learning impact, seating is limited in each location.
For more details and Registration at any specific location please call +1 (650) 241-3207. Please note that when a particular class is already full, you will be encouraged to join at another nearby location or you will be put to the next class that will open at your selected location.
Avoid being auto-deleted:
When you email us with your inquiries, please avoid going to a 'Spam box and be auto-deleted'. We suggest that please provide the following information, then our Coach will give you a call.
1. Name:
2. Telephone:
3. Email Address:
4. Zip Code:
We like to hear from you or from your friends who may be interested to participate in any of the programs that we conduct.
*Photo Acknowledgement: GoogleMap & IdeasN