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Our missions are: (1)increasing business leadership and strategic competencies (2) proficiency achievement in business language (English) We have coached, tutored and trained individuals and business professionals whose mother tongue is either non-English or English. These include multinational executives, employees and their family members; from many countries like Vietnam, China, Japan, India, S. Korea, the Philippines, France, Germany, Spain, Malaysia, Mexico, Taiwan, USA, Canada, and many others who benefited from our expertise.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Non-verbal versus Verbal Language

Quiz 1:

  • How significant is Non-verbal body language compared to verbal language forms? 
You are welcome to share us your insights at the space provided below ...

Generally speaking, "Communication is the use of messages to produce meaning within and across a variety of contexts, cultures, methods and media" - this description was provided by Association for Communication Administration. 

That description was providing us a knowledge that communication is a method or a tool that will transfer ideas and meanings through different media with another individual or groups. 

People with different backgrounds in terms of culture, linguistic competencies, or perhaps natural differences demonstrate different ways in communicating their ideas and will also understand these ideas differently with meanings. Whether or not such communication was illustrated in either verbal or non-verbal. 

Verbal communication requires sound forms of the language to communicate specific information. In today's technological age, there are many different forms to utilize in order to transfer those ideas verbally through various media. 

On the other hand, Non-verbal communication provides a different angle of meaning when communicating an idea. Depending on the setting of the communication process, specifically country, cultural, physio-linguistics and other factors. There are ambiguities of non-verbal communication, particularly focused on who is communicating ideas and who are receiving the information that is being communicated. Body language play an important role when it comes of non-verbal communication. Are there tools of today that illustrate non-verbal communication?  Yes, there are ... it is a matter of identifying these around you. They speak louder than words and the meanings they provide are strong and equally vital.

As always, we like to hear from you.

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