Each individual has strengths and weaknesses especially when relating to language proficiency or technical skills. Recognizing the deficiency within oneself will highlight your strengths to overcome the areas where development is needed. The extra effort to learn ways, ideas, techniques and understand these areas will increase your skills as well as competencies.
However, it is not easy to self-direct your own learning. In this aspect, it is also a fact that each one has a different way of learning abilities.
The following scenarios show examples of different learning and coaching situations. Perhaps, one of them may be familiar or related to your own learning needs.
Scenario #1: Jovit - Independent English Learning
Jovit enjoys learning independently. He does not need a lot of help when learning English because he likes self discovery. Every now and then, he needs a Coach to help him understand areas that confuses him. He likes to confirm his thoughts and ideas whether they are correct or wrong. So he will work with his personal Coach to correct his deficiencies and explain the areas where he gets confused. Jovit's coach will be guiding him only as needed. However, the Coach will make sure that all learning are relevant, evaluate Jovit's progress in gaining proficiency, reinforce learning with new techniques to increase higher level of his proficiency. Jovit's coach will continue helping him to acquire the highest level of proficiency without the help of a Coach in the future.
Scenario #2: Akila - Excel, Powerpoint, Word Programs for Office
Akila was hired to work as an office manager at small office. However she never had an experience in using Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel. She needed some training and learn how to use these in order to support the departments that need documentations, reports, presentations, and spreadsheets. Akila hired her Coach who can help her to gain mastery in using these important office software programs. Her Coach will show her hands-on activities that will create her immersion to actual learning while she is at work. In that way, her lessons support her immediate needs when doing her job. The progress of her learning are demonstrated by her ability to create documentations based on specific use or integrated use of all three software programs.
Scenrio #3: Shengha - English as a Second Language
Shengha needs someone who will guide and teach her all the areas that she will need to learn ESL (English as a Second Language). Unlike Jovit, she does not have the self confidence in discovering her learning abilities. Shengha's Coach will direct her learning on a daily basis. The coach will explain all areas and will facilitate the progressive learning process of Shengha until she will understand all areas and gain self confidence to demonstrate her proficiency.
Scenrio #4: Antonio, Engineer - Conversational English
Antonio works as an Engineer at a global company. He speaks limited English and cannot explain his ideas with his co-workers. His manager suggested he will learn Conversational English so he can participate in many discussions at work. Because Antonio works at day time, he needs a Coach who can help him during a convenient time for evening classes or weekend classes. The Coach of Antonio will mix topic lessons that are useful to his daily transactional living outside work and the many activities that he will be doing at his workplace. Antonio's progress will be observed based on his ability to use what he learned with his Coach and use it immediately at work.
Scenario #5: Helga - English Expressions for social and work environments
Helga enjoys working with her co-workers. However, she always gets confused with the different expressions she heard everyday from her co-workers. Often times, when she goes to the market and or at groceries, she finds it difficulty to understand alot of expressions used by many people. Helga gets a Coach who will help her gain understanding and learn how to use lingua franca, idiomatic expressions and other phrases that will be useful for both her work and in the community. Her coach will give her exercises that will give her the ability to practice and get immersed to both business and informal culture where many simple and complex expressions are being used.
Scenario #6: Hiroki - English Vocabulary Enrichment
Hiroki is struggling in using the right word or vocabulary. He is frustrated when he cannot express himself among friends, and acquaintances. He memorizes alot of vocabulary but doesn't know how to use them at properly. Hiroshi believes he likes to learn more vocabulary and use them effectively. He works with a Coach who can assist him to learn in using the words with correct situations, manner and time. Hiroki's lessons will be customized and that his progress will be evaluated by his Coach regularly. He will demonstrate his knowledge and proficiency in using English works correctly through speaking, writing and discussing topics among friends, family, acquaintance and co-workers.
The best way to approach learning effectively is by taking necessary steps in finding experienced coach and trainer on the areas of your target subject matter.
Excellent Language Trainers and Coaches were trained professionally. They learned many approaches, techniques as well as complex cultural background of students from across the globe. The most important background of the Coach and or Trainer is the experience and qualification in the field.
Avoid stereotypes when selecting your Coach for your learning. Accents, color of skin and hair, and cultural heritage are not the essential aspect when learning. Learning with an experienced coach, trainer or teacher is the most valuable part of it. Because what is guaranteed as results from these types of individuals are the proficiency that you will gain from them.
Assessing your current needs by experienced Coach or Trainer will make your learning experience become effective and the progressive results will be impactful to your abilities.
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